How RFID is used in Production Tracking

A Turck Vilant Systems production tracking system with RFID is the globally trusted way of making almost any manufacturing process more efficient. Introducing our RFID touch points throughout your production facility helps you track materials, inventory and assets and ensure visibility and higher throughput. Our state-of-the-art software application with easy to use products and 24/7 support eliminates mistakes and secures your customer satisfaction. We are probably the most benchmarked RFID solution company in the world and for a good reason.

If you are looking for ideas on how RFID can optimize your production process please use the slider below to learn more.

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RFID Automates Inbound Logistics

Distribution centres, warehouses, production plants as well as sales locations benefit from literally no-touch goods receiving. Using RFID shifts any company from having to scan items manually to stock or not scanning at all, to automatic registering of materials and inventory. The shipments may be registered on box, pallet, roller cage or item level – dependent on the type of data needed.

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  • 80%

    work time savings

  • 60%

    error rate reductions


Material Availability

Forklifts equipped with RFID readers know what they carry on their fork and their movement from one hall to another is registered, this keeps material levels updated at all times and feeds data to production planning systems.

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  • On-demand Material availability




Bins containing material for production are tagged with RFID to enable further automation for electronic-kanban process. The system automatically identifies empty bins are automatically and auto-refills initiated.

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  • Immediate

    spares refill orders



Using RFID in production processes improves stock accuracy and thus reduces the need for manual inventory counts. Availability of materials, spares and finished goods is ensured.

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  • Close to 100%

    stock accuracy


Manufacturing Quality

Introducing RFID allows companies to ensure correct materials and tools are being used during production. Furthermore RFID systems register which materials are used for a given production batch. These data can later be utilized to improve production process as well as for later tracking of any production issues.

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  • Ensures

    correct material use and tooling


RFID Enablement

A complete RFID System enables the automatic generation of the tags with correct data, adding them onto a database and finally applying them to the item in question.

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  • RFID tags automatically

    generated and applied


Outbound Logistics' Accuracy

RFID verifies the correctness of shipments before they are loaded onto vehicle. All shipments are equipped with RFID tags and the loading doors with RFID gates, which are able to detect products loaded onto trucks. The RFID system is in constant interaction with the Warehouse Management System (WMS) and in case of wrong items are loaded, false loading alarms are initiated immediately.

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  • At best 99,996%

    delivery accuracy

Automatic Goods Receipt

Material Availability




RFID Enablement

Loading Verification