"RFID helps speed up the rental process with instant information on vehicle availability and key whereabouts"
Vehicle Rental Status
Vehicle Return times
Rental process and rent-out
The Customer Challenge
The service cycle of a rental car is complex, especially when busiest airports turn over 600 cars per day of a local fleet size of 2500 vehicles. In order to have an overview of the vehicle status as well as the returning and renting time-stamps keeping track of the keys is essential. One could say that the keys almost act as like a kanban card for the car. After piloting HF technology for key track & trace Sixt were introduced to the benefits of UHF RFID and decided to base their rollout on standard Gen2 UHF RFID.
The Turck Vilant Systems Solution
Vilant implemented a UHF RFID solution to increase the visibility level of the keys location, which is based on RFID readers integrated into the Sixt standard counters helping the employees to speed up the rental process as they no longer need to search for the keys, but have real-time information on their whereabouts.
All rental vehicle keyfobs are equipped with UHF RFID labels. Sixt equips more than 150 000 keyfobs in 10 countries per year with UHF RFID labels inside.
Sixt rental counters in around 100 of the high-volume rental locations (usually airports) are equipped with RFID readers, which are constantly reading car keys available in each of the service desk drawers at a station. This increases visibility of the cars location improving the speed of the rental processes. This means Employees do not have to search for keys since the system tells them in real time in which counters those are. For smaller stations which do not have fully integrated RFID service counters, USB based desktop readers are used for swift status changes, for example “car returned”.
Respectively also around 200 key return safes (via LAN or GSM) are equipped with RFID to determine the exact return time of each key, when they are left at unmanned return stations or returned at night.

RFID Counter, RFID printer and RFID tags at Sixt
This roll-out was implemented within 6 months (calendar time), thanks to the standardization, modularity and quality of the Turck Vilant Systems powered solution.
RFID Solution components
Around 200 counters and 200 key return safes in 10 countries giving real time information about rental car key return times and locations
70 RFID label printers at registration centers and rental offices for writing and printing the UHF RFID tags
150.000 vehicles tagged with UHF RFID on a yearly basis
The Integration of RFID based automatic vehicle status and key location data to Sixt ERP
Vilant Device manager, that controls and monitors all the Turck Vilant Systems RFID readers globally
Sixt rent a car, founded in Munich, Germany, is one of the oldest, most prestigious car rental companies in all of Europe as well as the world. Renowned internationally for quality customer care and low rental rates, Sixt has always been an innovative leader in the car rental industry. Sixt were the first rental company to have a website, as well as the first to receive reservations made by customers via smartphones, iPhone and iPad. Sixt their cutting-edge technology will continue to transform the car rental businesses in Germany, Europe, and beyond.
Questions on RFID?
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With more than 15 years of experience we are the company to kick start your RFID system project. Don’t hesitate to leave your contact details below for our experts to contact you for more information on our Solutions and Refences. You can also find the direct contact details of our Sales team here.
Questions on RFID?
Contact us with this form.
With more than 15 years of experience we are the company to kick start your RFID system project. Don’t hesitate to leave your contact details below for our experts to contact you for more information on our Solutions and Refences. You can also find the direct contact details of our Sales team here.