RFID for Data Centers

Substitute excel lists with a professional tool and use RFID to track servers in data centers.

A short introduction to using RFID for the tracking of servers in data centers

Many operators still manually oversee their servers in data centers by, for example, updating excel sheets. The driver for many is the ISO/IEC27001 standard, which deems companies to track the lifecycle of their IT server infrastructure. RFID technology is a cost-efficient and carefree approach for keeping track of asset inventory, asset classification, and the asset deletion process. The practical approach is to assign each server an RFID tag to register the server to its rack and monitor its lifecycle.

Turck Vilant Systems offer an RFID toolkit that monitors each server on its OEM serial number level and registers any commissioning or maintenance operation performed on the server. Furthermore, the system automatically records the server’s whereabouts in server room and rack level. Data center employees can use a mobile application to search for or inventory the servers.



Turck Vilant Systems RFID solution

          • Designates an RFID tag for each server to give them a unique identity
          • Tracks the server commissioning process and users entering the server rooms
          • Keeps record of server location and all operations performed on the server during its lifecycle
          • Offers reporting on asset level



RFID tracks server lifecycle


We have identified the critical phases in the asset lifecycle that need monitoring. Our RFID solution consists of RFID tags, our server application and a mobile application that allows users to inventory, classify, and initiate a destruction process for an individual or several servers.


This is how we implement RFID for server tracking


1. Asset Creation

The operator matches the OEM serial number on the server to the RFID tag.

2. Registering entering / exiting users

The RFID system keeps track of personnel entering or exiting the server rooms.

3. Server to rack

The server rack is considered a parent to all individual servers. Therefore, users match their RFID tags with a mobile RFID device when placing the server on the shelf.

4. Inventory

Operators may perform an RFID-based inventory of the racks and servers at any time. Mobile RFID devices connect to Turck Vilant Visibility Manager and download up-to-date data on servers per room and rack.

5. Search

If a server is misplaced or its location is unknown, the mobile devices have a search function to help users locate them.

6. Booking lifecycle events

Turck Vilant Visibility Manager keeps track of all server status changes, such as booking out or deleting.  The application offers complete visibility to the entire fleet.




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