Self-Service RFID Store – getting started

What are Self-Service or Unmanned RFID Stores?

Self-Service RFID Stores offer an easy setup for self-service stores and may play a key role in providing a multi-channel wholesale experience. As the name states, these Stores require no constant personnel on-site, yet are open 24/7 and offer their users instant product availability.

Almost any space lends itself to becoming an Unmanned RFID Store. Following our design guide and design principles, customers are sure to succeed. The assortment of each Unmanned RFID Store is fully customizable, allowing an assortment design together with the Store’s users to ensure fast inventory turnaround and high customer satisfaction.

6-steps to get you started with your Self-Service RFID Store

Turck Vilant Systems has over a decade of experience in delivering smart shelves monitoring spare-part consumption, and self-service store concepts for shipping containers and factory stock rooms.

These solutions are widely used in factories and at construction sites and shipyards, especially in Northern Europe.  Based on our learnings we put together a 6-step guide on how you can approach Unmanned RFID Stores.

Turck Vilant Systems Buyers Guide To Self-Service and Unmanned RFID Stores

The topics we cover in our free guide

1. Planning ideal product assortment

Each Unmanned RFID Store you build should have a perfect product assortment tailored to meet the needs of your clients.

2. Assigning user roles

Unmanned RFID Stores are dedicated for self-service and thus their users must be assigned different roles based on their operations in the store.

3. Addressing Store Fitting Process

Store layout, store flow and different areas of the store need to be considered from an RFID fitting perspective, RF insulation is and suitable electric locks are needed. 

4. Selecting needed applications and equipment

The RFID solution should include in-store equipment and application package for managing local operations such as buying and shelving and system management solution for handling users, inventory and product data.

5. Preparing products and users

Each sellable product or SKU (stock keeping unit) in an Unmanned RFID Store must have an RFID tag on it. Likewise, each user of the Unmanned RFID Store can only access the premises with a valid ID card and a role assigned for them. 

6. Store launch – check at least
  • a perfect assortment of products are RFID tagged and on display on suitable shelving
  • users are trained and in possession of working ID cards
  • promotion is in place so users will find the store